Just this week, we received a request for assistance from a family seeking help for their 10-month-old baby who was born with an heart defect known as atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD).
This means the baby has multiple holes between the left and right sides of his heart, as well as, an insufficient mitral valve. Along with his heart defect, the child also has Down syndrome and a narrow trachea. In their home country, surgeons have had to turn them down due to limited resources and experience. ICHF receives requests like this frequently, and our ultimate goal is to be able to answer every family with a resounding, “Yes, we can help!”
But, we can’t do it without your continued support. This February, we’re asking supporters to get involved and give through our #Hearts4Hearts campaign.
You can support us this month in a number of ways:
- Give online. (link this to donation page)
- Text “HEART” to 91999 to give.
- Share our social media posts.
- Create your own social media posts using #Hearts4Hearts.
- Become a #Hearts4Hearts Ambassador and launch a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign for ICHF through Mobile Cause. Start your campaign by texting HEARTS to 71777. Special note: The #Hearts4HeartsAmbassador who raises the most money will be invited to join the ICHF team on one of this year’s international medical mission trips!
We also want to make sure you are in the know about ICHF and the good works you are supporting. You can now receive text updates directly from ICHF by texting “Baby” to “51555.”
February is National Heart Awareness Month, and specifically Feb. 7 to 14 is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week, so this is a great time to sign up and connect to ICHF through your mobile phone!
Thank you for being an ICHF supporter! We couldn’t be the organization that we are today, nor could we have saved the 7,482 children that we have around the world, without your support.