New Cardiac Surgical Program Continues to Grow in Santo Domingo
The BabyHeart team recently returned from their second trip to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic where 27 children were served in a 2-week period. Sixteen life-saving surgeries were performed, and 11 heart catheterizations were completed at Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral (HRRC). All of this while the team continues to establish an independent and sustainable cardiac surgical program and cardiac ICU for this area.
Keys to Success
In order for programs such as this to succeed, we need to have local organization and government involvement to ensure its longevity. Thanks to Fundación Latiendo Por Ti and the administration of HRRC, we have this in Santo Domingo. The support from both have been outstanding, and the level of excitement surrounding the program helps to keep the energy going as we continue our educational initiatives at the hospital.
Restoring Hope
Out of the 16 surgeries that were performed, one such surgery was on 6-year old Ashley. She was diagnosed with ALCAPA, a serious condition involving the left coronary artery that can cause serious damage to the heart if left untreated. The fact that she survived 6 years with this condition was rare, but the BabyHeart team was able to repair the defect through a successful surgery. After a short stay in ICU, Ashley was discharged and is back home with her family.
Continue Making Progress
As we continue our mission in Santo Domingo and make plans for our third trip later this summer, we look forward to advancing our education initiatives in multiple areas and continue to head in the right direction with establishing a permanent and sustainable program at HRRC. We would love to schedule a fourth trip this year to keep the momentum going. This much needed 4th trip can only happen with the support of our generous and responsive donors and sponsors. Consider making a donation today and, together, we can make this dream a reality!
Special Thanks to IWK Health Centre, Fundación Latiendo Por Ti, Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral for their support of this program