Afghani cousins travel to Pakistan for ICHF surgery

Tuesday March 25, 2008 10:24:36 AM

Naseer and his fatherNaseer, post surgeryNaseer, a boy of 14 years from in Afghanistan, was operated on today, March 25th here in Pakistan. His surgery corrected a Tetralogy of Fallot. This was his second operation. His first was a shunt opration in Iran in 2002. He should be up and walking around tomorrow. Dr. Novick was assisted by two Pakistani surgeons, Inam Ullah and Shahid Nafees. His surgery is sponsored by the Galli Fund. His father is here with Naseer.


Radeda with her grandfatherRashida, a sweet girl age 2 1/2, Naseer's cousin, is here with her grandfather.They live in the same town in Afghanistan. She has an Atrial Septal Defect. Her surgery is scheduled for Friday, March 28th. She will have a cardiac catheter implantation which shouldm ean a fast recovery with less pain and discomfort. The local cardiologist Maad Ullah will perform the surgery.  Her surgery is sponsored by the Tiara Tea Society.