50% of children born with heart defects will need heart surgery at sometime in their life. Of those 50%, 35% need surgery in the first month in order to survive.
Each year, the International Children’s Heart Foundation conducts fund raising campaigns raising money to continue and expand our live saving operations. Please participate in one or all of the campaigns. We update fund raising progress as information becomes available. Also check out fund raising for kids by kids at Kids Helping Kids. Questions about the campaigns should be directed to .
Current Campaigns
Buy a T-shirt, Save Lives!
This week only you can buy a t-shirt featuring our slogan, “We go where the kids need us!” and $7 from every sale goes toward a Babyheart medical mission.
Text 2 Give!
Our mobile phones have become amazing technological devices that help us organize and share our lives. Now with Babyheart’s new Text 2 Give campaign we can use our phones to save lives!
Text “Babyheart” to “52000” to donate $10 today!
Rosa and Jorge need your help! Click HERE to help us raise funds for their heart surgeries.
Memphis Advertising
Babyheart’s new TV Spot 2013!
ICHF’s Ad running in Times Square in New York City!
Brother Juniper’s, famous Memphis location for the best breakfast around has opened up their restaurant to free ICHF advertising in November, 2012 and February (Nt’l Heart Health Month), 2013. Go grab and omelet and see how you can help Babyheart!
Direct Mail Campaign
To celebrate CHD Awareness and National Heart Health Month ICHF is promoting a direct mail campaign to raise funds for 2013 Babyheart Medical Missions. If you did not receive one click , provide your information and we’ll pop one in the mail for you!
Text 2 Donate Campaign!
Now you can quickly and easily donate to a Babyheart Mission with your mobile phone. Just text “ICHF” to the number 52000 to automatically give a $10 donation.
Past Campaigns
Spike TV and AutoTrader.com Donate 2008 Roush Enhanced Mustang to ICHF
Sunday October 11, 2009 02:20:56 PM
Spike TV and AutoTrader.com donated a 2008 Mustang to ICHF during the filming of RTM Production’s Powerblock show. [read more]
Galli Fund with $30 of goal
Wednesday December 31, 2008 06:08:14 PM
Navy Lt. Jobe Galli is leading a fund raising campaign to save two Afghan children. He’s raised $9,971as of March 25, 2008. [read more]
Frederique Constant Charity Advertising Campaign
Tuesday September 30, 2008 01:44:36 PM
2008-2009 campaign: Each ladies Double Heart Beat watch sold will raise funds for ICHF. [read more]