We Need Perfusionists ! An Interview With World Famous Pediatric Heart Surgeon- Dr. Novick
“I told them that if we did not employ a form of ECMO in the next few minutes the child would die.”
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Circuit Surfers Blog
International Children's Heart Foundation
Where Hope Comes to Life
“I told them that if we did not employ a form of ECMO in the next few minutes the child would die.”
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Circuit Surfers Blog
International Children’s Heart Foundation Receives BBB Wise Giving Alliance Seal Approval
MEMPHIS, Tennessee (March, 2013) “ICHF Meets all 20 BBB Charity Standards!”
The International Children’s Heart Foundation has received the BBB Wise Giving Alliance National Charity Seal. As a global charity, this designation carries a lot of meaning for ICHF’s valued donors, supporters, partners, medical volunteers, and the children in need we gladly serve. The Babyheart Teams rely on donations to support our international program of providing free cardiac surgery for children to the developing world. Funds are required to fly the teams to the destinations and obtain the necessary lifesaving equipment and instruments that sustain our programs. The BBB Seal brings ICHF to a new level of non-profit accreditation and donor confidence.
“National charities that display the BBB Wise Giving Alliance seal can do so with pride,” says Art Taylor, President and CEO of the Alliance. “Not only are they attesting to their organizations’ adherence to sound standards, they are helping to increase donor confidence and strengthen public trust in giving.”
For donors, the appearance of the seal in all of ICHF’s mailings, on its website, in newspaper and magazine advertisements or elsewhere is a clear and concise sign that we meet the Alliance’s Standards for Charity Accountability.
Acquisition of the seal and the BBB WGA recognition was a demanding, yet very rewarding process. ICHF underwent an evaluation by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, the nation’s most experienced charity evaluator. And the evaluation process is anything but superficial. It involves rigorous scrutiny of a charity’s governance, effectiveness, finances and solicitations and informational materials. The standards go beyond what government regulators require.
Only organizations that come through an Alliance review with a “meets standards” conclusion are eligible to participate in the seal program. Participation is entirely voluntary and involves a licensing agreement and fee. But more and more charities report that the seal gives them an efficient way of demonstrating their commitment to accountability and ethical practices, the values that donors are looking for. This commitment is all the more credible when it is verified by the familiar and respected BBB Wise Giving Alliance.
“In the current economic environment, it’s important our donors trust that we’re using our funding wisely to accomplish our mission of providing free cardiac surgery to needy children around the world,” said Terry Carter, ICHF Executive Director. “Our BBB Wise Giving Alliance Seal Approval demonstrates to our supporters that we take our fiduciary and governance responsibilities seriously.”
The International Children’s Heart Foundation provides free pediatric cardiac surgery to children in the developing world and trains local medical staffs for sustainability.
For more information about ICHF, visit BabyHeart.org or call 901-869-4243.
MEMPHIS, Tennessee (January, 2013) The International Children’s Heart Foundation wishes to dedicate two upcoming medical missions to the victims of this tragedy and the people of Newtown, CT. This is a dedication to the victims, the families, the first responders, and the people of Newtown. The proposed upcoming Babyheart Mission dedications in 2013 are located in Minsk, Belarus and Nasiriyah, Iraq. A typical medical mission operates on about 20 children, that is 20 lives saved, almost the same number, sadly lost in Newtown.
It has also been brought to our attention one of the children who was lost suffered from a congenital heart defect and was scheduled for surgery the first week of January, 2013 at Boston Children’s Hospital. This is especially heart-wrenching to our organization, being that the healing of little hearts is our sole mission.
We hope this can serve as a small token of tribute and remembrance of those little hearts we lost that day.
Read about a proud downtown Memphis resident and a doctor who has tremendous impact on young lives all over the world.
I grew up in Pell City, Alabama, a no-nothing on the way from Birmingham to Atlanta. We lived in a little wood house three blocks from where Dad worked — for his in-laws. He ran their grocery store while they ran the only motel in town, the General Lee….[Read More]
The mission of the International Children’s Heart Foundation (ICHF) is to bring the skills, technology and knowledge to cure and care for children with congenital heart disease in developing nations. ICHF does this regardless of country of origin, race, religion or gender. Our goal is to make the need for ICHF obsolete. We work toward this goal through our medical mission trips, where we operate on children and educate local healthcare professionals.