Jesser ICHF

Meet Jesser Solis-Contreras, ICHF Ambassador

Jesser is a 28-year-old from Nicaragua who was born with Tetralogy of Fallot. Why we do what we do He would not be here to tell his story today if it were not for organizations like ICHF that are dedicated to saving children and building sustainable cardiac surgery programs in countries where they do not […]

ICHF Ambassador Meagan

Q&A with Meagan Broucek, ICHF ambassador

Meet Meagan Broucek, a 25-year-old living with congenital heart disease. She has had three surgeries to mend her broken heart, but like many suffering from CHD, Meagan will never be completely healthy because CHD has no cure. Raising Awareness for CHD Meagan has become an ambassador for ICHF, as well as taken time to raise awareness […]

ICHF Plans Travel to Guyana in 2015

ICHF will make three trips this year to Georgetown, Guyana, a country with an infant mortality rate of 29 per 1,000 live births. We are visiting at the request of the Minister of Health of Guyana, and we will be building on the ongoing work that has initiated by a group from Calgary, Canada, who have begun […]

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ICHF Kicks off February #Hearts4Hearts Campaign

Just this week, we received a request for assistance from a family seeking help for their 10-month-old baby who was born with an heart defect known as atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). This means the baby has multiple holes between the left and right sides of his heart, as well as, an insufficient mitral valve. Along […]

ICHF heals 18 hearts during December Ecuador Mission

ICHF ended 2014 with its 20th trip to Guayaquil, Ecuador, traveling from Dec. 6 to 20. Operating at Hopsital del Niños Dr. Francisco de Ycaza Bustmante, the team of 20 ICHF volunteers saved the lives of 18 patients from 2 months to 14 years old. Our team came from all over the world for this […]