You don't need a big bank account to help ICHF save children with congenital heart defects. These profiles represent the kind of creativity possible. If you have an idea or wish to assist in raising funds for ICHF, please contact the ICHF .
Memphis Tiara Tea Society
Tuesday November 13, 2007 11:02:09 AMThe Tiara Tea Society sets goal to raise money to save a child from congenital heart defect. [read more]
10 year old says "Don't give me presents, make a donation to ICHF"
Tuesday October 31, 2006 12:19:39 AMOn October 31, 2006 Sam Elkins turned 10 years old. Instead of birthday presents, he asked his family and friends to make donations to the International Children's Heart Foundation. [read more]
Family asks for donation in memory of their son
Wednesday September 06, 2006 12:20:34 AMIn light of his big heart and love for children, Dale's family selected the International Children's Heart Foundation for donations in lieu of flowers. [read more]