Sherrie Wroblewski, MSN/MHA RN CEN

Friday November 20, 2009 03:25:08 PM

I would like to thank the International Children's Heart Foundation for a wonderful experience in Santiago, Dominican Republic.  It is such a blessing to help children and their families in enhancing their health.  Assisting with heart surgeries on these little patients was a fulfilling experience.  I have always wanted to go on a mission trip since I began nursing in 1993.  Becoming acquainted with Bret and the foundation made it possible to give back what talent which I have been blessed; caring for children.  I look forward to going on another mission trip with the foundation.


Thank you again, International Children's Heart Foundation

Sherrie Wroblewski, MSN/MHA RN CEN

Chief Transport Nurse - Pedi-Flite

LeBonheur Children's Medical Center  



Below is a picture of a young patient who received surgery on his birthday.