The International Children's Heart Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization based in Memphis, Tennessee. We are dedicated to helping children with congenital or acquired heart disease in developing countries throughout the world. We serve all children without respect to their race, religion or sex. Our primary goal is to make ourselves obsolete in the countries that we serve. To this end, we strive to educate the health care professionals in the countries we travel and bring them to the United States for advanced study so that they may better serve their own children.


Dear Friend,

At the beginning of this century, before world wars, religious, tribal, and political strife robbed human society of much potential advancement, Andrew Carnegie made a generous endowment to create a foundation for peace. As a poor immigrant who rose to power and fantastic wealth, Carnegie was no fool by any yardstick. It is noteworthy, however, that at the outset he expected this organization to find a solution to war within five years and asked his Board of Trustees (paraphrased) , "After we solve the war problem, what are we going to do with the rest of the money?"

The International Children's Heart Foundation has great expectations, but we do not anticipate saving every unfortunate child born with heart disease. Instead, we are committed to saving as many young lives as our resources can manage in the hope that even one of these children may mature into a great statesman, peacemaker, scientist, philanthropist, or philosopher -- one who will help advance human society another inch or two towards the dream of Carnegie and others.

To this end, we use our limited resources to help those less fortunate, make friends around the world and feel in our hearts that our individual lives have made at least a small difference in the fate of our fellow man.

With the sincerest hope that you will join the International Children's Heart Foundation in this effort, I am

Yours very truly,
William M. Novick, M.D.
Founder and Medical Director
International Children's Heart Foundation

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