The International Children's Heart Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization based in Memphis, Tennessee. We are dedicated to helping children with congenital or acquired heart disease in developing countries throughout the world. We serve all children without respect to their race, religion or sex. Our primary goal is to make ourselves obsolete in the countries that we serve. To this end, we strive to educate the health care professionals in the countries we travel and bring them to the United States for advanced study so that they may better serve their own children.


Lima, Peru

May 18 - June 1, 2002 -- The ICHF team returned from a successful mission to Lima on June 1. During the last two weeks, ICHF provided open-heart surgery to 19 Peruvian children. This was the fourteenth trip to Peru bringing the total to 292 -- those children who have been served by ICHF directly. The number of children who have benefited from this long-term patient care and education commitment is much greater however, as the local surgeons, physicians, and nurses are increasingly becoming able to take care of the low- and medium-complexity cases on their own with increasing success.

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