Babyheart Spotlight – Zulayka


Zulayka Anahis (but Mother called her Ceclino)

DOB – 10/12/12

11 Month, Female

VSD, PS           DOP 7/31/13 – Ventricular septal defect closure and pulmonary valvotomy or infundibular resection

From: Quevedo

Traveled 3 hours to the hospital via bus

Both of her parents came to the International Children’s Heart Foundation for help with Zulayka. She is their only child, andshe has three dogs.  Her parents found out that she had a heart defect 15 days after she was born when they took her back to the doctor because she would turn blue from breast feeding. Her lips would turn a darker blue.

They were advised by our team that she will need a second operation because her lungs and heart were too small when she came to see our team in August. They will be coming back in November for another evaluation. Although she will need another operation, her parents have noticed a huge difference in her before her last operation. She is much more active, (mother said almost too active!).

Her parents are very thankful for the operation and for the help they received from Babyheart who advised them of our team. Her mother asks that we continue to help the children of Ecuador and she said she hopes God multiples us so we can reach more children in need.

Zulayka with mom1 9.28.13 (427x640)

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