Babyheart Spotlight – Irati

Irati with Carmen from Fundacion 9.28.13

Irati Kratzishah Cayo

DOB – 6/21/11

2 years, Female with Down syndrome

AVSD & PDA,             DOP 8/6/13 – Complete AV Canal repair, PDA ligated

From: Haiti, Mother only speaks French

Mother is so thankful for her daughter’s operation. She found out her daughter had a heart defect right after she was born because she kept getting sick and could not breathe. Before our team arrived, because her daughter has downs syndrome, she was advised that if there were help, no one would help because her daughter would not benefit society. All too often ICHF deals with doctors who turn away children and their families. Luckily, ICHF is on the way.

Zorayda and her foundation made sure she was seen by our Babyheart team. It was very difficult to get the appropriate blood type for her surgery so we had to go to Quito to get it. Her mother was very anxious before her daughter’s operation, but she knew it was important that she have it. Now that she has had her operation, her daughter no longer has respiratory issues, and she plays much more. Before her operation, she constantly had a fever and cough. Now, she is growing and healthy.

She has no words to thank us, only to say that we gave her hope when there was none.












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